Hope Commission Life Line

What We Do


Reaching lives with God’s Love towards providing succour and help in times of need. Investigating and taking initiatives to remedy situations of people who cannot access help by taking help to their place of abode.

Education Seminars

Holding seminars and workshops on ways to empower and equip people life skills, employable skills, Social skills and Relationship skills.


Newtworking with partners in providing sponsorship towards education for those are unschooled.


Working with relevant bodies that deals with housing and accommodation for the homeless and those who cannot afford housing.

Feeding Programme

Setting up Food banks towards solving hunger and inability to feed adequately.

Health Care

Working with partners in establishing healthcare facilities and enabling those in need of healthcare with the means to afford a quality medical care. 

Hopelifeline Ambassadors

Raising and mentoring young ambassadors of Hope towards reaching out and passing the legacy of Hope lifeline. This training will empower them to be a Hope lifeline ambassadors wherever the need is present.